Important information, final wishes, and instructions for those I leave behind.
A Guide for When I am Gone
Plan for when you are gone so that you can live and liberate your loved ones from making difficult decisions while grieving
When we pass away, we leave a laundry list of tasks that need to be completed by our loved ones. They will need to close accounts, plan memorials, distribute your possessions, and much, much more.
When my husband John suddenly passed, our world changed in an instant. The amount of work that fell on my shoulders in addition to grieving and being a single parent to four small kids was overwhelming, to say the least. I had been the executor of my Dad’s estate and knew the general process, but Dad had most of his accounts on paper and pencil; everything was digital with John. It was the difference between a parent/child relationship and a spouse: night and day.
In many ways, John and I were prepared. We had a will, we had a list of passwords, I knew almost everything was, but still, I struggled. He had done all of the banking, and we had joint savings account that we had for many years. I knew it by the name of the online bank we used and the approximate balance, but unfortunately for me, that bank had been bought out years before. So when I went to search for our savings, I couldn’t find it. All was well in the end, but I could have saved HOURS of frantically searching and unnecessary stress.
These experiences have led me to understand the importance of preparing for when you are gone. In fact, it is one of the best gifts that you can give your family. This workbook will guide you through all areas of your life and give you direction on what you need to include. You can rest assured that while there will still be a list of tasks that need to be completed, your family can do this in the easiest and least stressful way imaginable. They and you will have confidence that your last wishes will be honored instead of guessing what you would have wanted. You would be wondering if there is anything that you have forgotten, but instead will have the confidence that you are prepared. While no two situations are alike in life or death, this book also allows space for you to customize it to exactly fit your needs and the needs that you don’t even know that you have.

Important information, final wishes, and instructions for those I leave behind.
A Guide for When I am Gone
Plan for when you are gone so that you can live and liberate your loved ones from making difficult decisions while grieving
Product Information
A Guide for When I am Gone is designed to become the go-to resource for all of the unavoidable meetings your loved ones will have after you are gone. It is in a format that they can take with them to the meetings, having everything together at their fingertips. It is designed to be a centralized location for all of your wishes and desires. It may prevent arguments, indecision, and possible regrets in many circumstances because your family will know exactly what you wanted and where to find it. In short, it’s the guide that we all need and the answer to their prayers.
This workbook asks the questions that need to be answered. It goes through options, and you pick what applies in your personal situation. You fill it in with your information. This workbook doesn’t give you the answers because there is no right or wrong answer. There are millions of options in both life and death, and this book allows you to decide and make your choices known.
This 140-page workbook is divided into 15 unique sections and includes the following features (and more, much, much more!):
Personal Information
Identifying personal information, including phone numbers, past addresses, educational history, children, and grandchildren. Includes all relevant information needed to complete your death certificate.
Important Documents and Contacts
Locations of important documents that your executor will need. This includes items such as your will, a living will, health care power of attorney, passport, birth and marriage certificates, and divorce or adoption papers. And contact information for the people vital to settling your estate.
Medical Information
Information on your health history, medications you take, medical equipment leased or borrowed, guidance on organ and body donation, preferred hospital and insurance information, and information about your Health Power of Attorney.
Your Legacy
You are much more than account numbers and passwords. Tell your life story, share your handwriting samples, fingerprints, favorite recipe, family tree, and letters to your loved ones
What Your Beneficiaries Can Expect
Detailed information on any life insurance, employer benefits, social security, retirement accounts, veteran’s benefits, and the estate’s value.
The Day You Die
Who should be contacted immediately upon your death, guidance for organ donation, wishes for the celebrations of life and burials including desired places, clothes, songs, readings, and more. Information on the cemetery and memorial stone preferences and all of the needed information to write your obituary.
Accounts to pay, close, transfer, suspend or cancel
An overview of every account that you have opened, including those which immediately should be closed and ones that will need to be transferred to a family member. Includes a spot to put usernames and passwords.
Information for each of your dependents, including their birthday, address, location of their important documents, health and medical information, and any financial information for them.
Personal Property
Information on your home, second home, vehicles, heirlooms, collectibles, personal property, storage units, hidden valuables, and your wishes for these items.
Your Purchase Includes the exclusive bonus of
Guidance, Encouragement, and Expert Interviews via a Private Facebook Group
In summer/fall, each person who purchases the workbook will be entered into a private Facebook group that will offer encouragement, motivation, and guidance to help complete the workbook.
But the most exciting part is the interviews with experts about the estate process and general life advice. While the list of experts is growing, it currently has an estate attorney, accountant, funeral home director, insurance agent, and a tour of a crematory, with much more to come. These interviews will be conducted via Facebook Life and allow you to ask questions without making an appointment or heading to their office.
An option for everyone
Four options to purchase
Designed to fit your needs to the fullest
An interactive eBook that allows for printing or typing directly onto the file. Includes membership in the exclusive Facebook group.
Physical Book
A two-inch binder with the printed book, tabs, and pages. Includes membership in the exclusive Facebook group.
Physical Book and Ebook
A two-inch binder with the printed book, tabs, and pages. And An interactive eBook that allows for printing or typing directly onto the file. Includes membership in the exclusive Facebook group.
Two Physical Books and Ebook
Designed for couples. Two two-inch binders with the printed book, tabs, and pages at a discount. And An interactive eBook that allows for printing or typing directly onto the file. Includes membership in the exclusive Facebook group.

This book is an invaluable source of information! I knew I needed a will, and while I kept pushing it off, this book made me realize how important it is to have one legally filed. I had what I thought were the important things written down, but there were so many items that I had never thought of, and if not for this book, I very well could have left my family members scrambling for information. There is a sense of peace with having this completed; it is truly a gift.
Brittany Martin
Frequently Asked Questions
If I am married, do I need one book or two?
This product is designed for one person. So much of living and dying is unique to the individual, your background information, your funeral wishes, health history, letters to your family, your legacy, and possibly many of your accounts.
For shared experiences that may include your dependents, pets, or other accounts, it is best to copy the information into the second book or add a reference note to use the other spouse’s book.
When you pass, your executor will be able to take your book with them to appointments, and this will be more difficult to keep track of if your spouse’s information is in the book.
Is this a legal document?
Nope! You will still need a Will, Power of Attorney, Medical Power of Attorney, and all of the things. This book is designed to pick up the pieces that are left off of legal documents. The small details that are huge. The big things and the little things.
How long will it take to receive my physical book?
Books are sold on a presale basis. You can expect them in your mailbox in 4-6 weeks.
How long will it take for me to complete my book?
This answer will be different for everyone. It will depend on how organized you are already, the number of accounts, and how motivated you are to complete it. Take it in sections, and you will get there!
Does this book cover everything?
Every situation is different in life and death, and we have planned for an amazing amount of them. It is important to make this book fit your needs, fit your life, and fit the needs of those you leave behind.

About In the Blink of a Fly
Born out of Tragedy
In June of 2018, my husband John was tragically killed in a tractor crash. He was struck from behind by a woman shopping online while driving. At that moment, our lives forever changed. I was thrown into single parenthood and to settling John’s estate. Through this process, to share the successes, failures, triumphs, and a way to help prevent distracted driving, In the Blink of a Fly, was born.
John and I had taken all of the steps to get things in line before his unexpected death. We had a will and all of the things, but it wasn’t enough. There were so many questions left unanswered. I don’t want you to be in this situation. I have talked with the experts and included it all. In the Blink of a Fly’s mission, in part, is to be prepared for the unexpected, and that is why we are so passionate about getting things in order. Together we can make a difference.

The guide that you need
Let’s get started, and give yourself piece of mind and those you leave behind one of the most thoughtful gifts available.