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Farming Perspectives from a Farm Widow

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Today is National Thank a Farmer Day. Farming is such a unique occupation. It’s nearly impossible to decide to become a farmer if you are not born into it. The costs are insane. The land, equipment, seeds, fuel, fertilizers and the certifications to be able to use, are priced so high and rising each year. Most farmers today have a full-time job in town to help support the farms and their families.

There really isn’t one class, program, or degree that could teach you everything you need to know. That knowledge is passed down, learned day by day, hour by hour. It is knowledge that is earned through blood, sweat and tears.

I grew up in a farming family. The last five generations farmed. John as well had generations of farmers behind him. Had John not have been killed, the likelihood of our children becoming farmers was high. Now, with him gone, I fear this tradition may have come to an end.

In the last 16 months, farming has played a minor role in my life compared to the past. I am no longer married to a farmer. My weekend plans are no longer dependent on the weather or the moisture in the crop. I can’t tell you the next time it is supposed to rain, or how many days it has been since we planted, or what needs to be repaired soon. It’s a very different way of life.

Today, take a moment to appreciate the sacrifices that a farmer makes everyday. The family farm is going away, rapidly, there are less family-owned and operated farms than ever before. With the added dangers of drivers not paying attention and putting there lives in danger unnecessary, would you blame them for not encouraging their children to enter the profession?

This picture is of my husband with our children on the family-owned farm. This was possibly the last tractor ride they ever had with their Dad, definitely my last picture.

Take the time to show a farm family some love today. Their sacrifice is unimaginable to many.

Written October 12, 2019

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