Tooth Fairy Duty

Tooth Fairy Duty. Mistakes Were Made.

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Tooth Fairy Duty.  Mistakes were made.
Tooth Fairy Duty.
Mistakes were made.

One of the more surprising difficulties in becoming a single parent has been tooth fairy duty.  In my old life, John would always remember, no matter how tired that someone had lost a tooth. He made quite the tooth fairy. At times, one of the kids would write the tooth fairy a note, I always had to write back though.  Most times tooth fairy duty was on him, or he would remind me to go make the exchange and I would make it happen.  

The girls had bunk beds.  He was 6’2, he would just walk up to the top bunk, pull the tooth, and slide in the dollar. 10 seconds flat. No big thing.  The first tooth after the accident was a disaster. I’m 5’2, those aforementioned bunk beds…. The death of me. I can barely reach the top bunk, definitely cannot see the pillows.  So I climbed my happy butt up to the top bunk, climb over her trying so hard to not touch her and not to fall on top of her. Make it. Safe. It would have been quite the sight, but nevertheless tooth fairy duty accomplished.  I learned my lesson and unbunked the beds. I have this tooth fairy gig down… or so I thought.  

The tooth fairy made a fatal error.  Fast forward to this morning. “Mom! The tooth fairy brought me $5!!!!!” The going rate for teeth in this household is $1, not five.  Turns out 1. I’m reeeaaaaal tired. 2. Supervision is needed on this tooth fairy gig. And 3. pretty sure the last tooth was forgotten about. And at least it was a molar.  This is how urban legends get started. I can hear it now.
“For real Greta, I’m not even making this up.  One time, when I was 10, the tooth fairy brought me $5.  I bet it’s because she likes me better….” Oh kids.

My hope is by the time kid number 4 gets to this stage, I will have tooth fairy duty mastered… I’ll be a master tooth fairy… haha! I’ll probably never glitter money though!

Tooth Fairy Duty.  Mistakes were made.
Tooth Fairy Duty.
Mistakes were made.

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